
  The year 2020 has really been a year that is going to stand out for us. In month six of this social isolation, we have changed our behaviour and adapted in ways no one ever dreamed of. From going out on a Friday night to now valuing a trip to the supermarket as a great ‘outdoors’ experience, we have seen ourselves change to a different, inside life. In this new world of social distancing, Social Media has literally become the classic Nokia tagline of ‘Connecting people’. It has been our daily ‘timepass’, our saviour and alongside the funny memes we see each day, online influencers have become our regular place to be.  It is amazing to see how a social media star, who was known for a single theme like ‘fashion’ to ‘fitness’ etc. have evolved into a multi-talented powerhouse of content, giving their fans a chance to see more of their personality and sneak a peek inside their lives. In the past few months, the evolution of creativity in content that we’ve seen by social influencers show

The Renown way to turn your passion into your career!

  Social media is evolving at breakneck speed and, with it, the power of influencers increases. Brands are increasingly tapping into the power that content creators have over the opinions and purchasing habits of their fans and followers. The 2019 Influencer Marketing Report shows how influencer marketing continues to grow and how a whopping 92% of marketers consider it an effective form of marketing. But collaborations with brands and marketing agencies is not the only way influencers can make their influence pay. So, as a social media content creator, you have worked hard to gain genuine fans and followers. You know you have the power to influence and you know your fans value your content. But whilst YouTube has given rise to content creators who make millions, converting your Instagram and Twitter content into income is much trickier. Of course, you can earn from endorsements and brand advocacy, but what about your everyday content? What about the content that earned you fans in the